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Who Can File a Wrongful Death Case in California? 

When someone loses their life because of the negligent actions of another person, company, or entity, family members are often left wondering what steps to take next. In some cases, filing a wrongful death claim against an allegedly negligent party is warranted. We encourage you to contact out to a trusted wrongful death attorney who can help you through this process. An attorney can use their resources to help you stand up to other parties involved. However, only…

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What Evidence Do I Need to File a Premises Liability Claim in California?

Sustaining injury on another person’s property, whether that is public or private property, can lead to confusing situations when working to recover compensation. Premises liability claims are personal injury lawsuits filed against negligent property owners, but these cases are typically not straightforward. Injury victims need evidence to prove liability, and they need as much of it as possible. Where Does The Evidence Come From? Evidence needed to prove a premises liability claim in California can come from various…

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